Product of Ultrasonic Algae/Waste water treatment ( American Technology)

Our featured product, the Quartro-DB, represents a cutting-edge solution for algae treatment using ultrasonic technology powered by solar units. Designed to effectively control and eliminate algae in various water bodies, this innovative device operates with minimal environmental impact and energy consumption. The Quartro-DB integrates seamlessly into aquatic environments, offering sustainable algae management solutions that ensure water clarity and ecological balance.

List of Algae we are most likely to control
  • Aphanizomenon
  • Tenuissima
  • Chloromonas
  • Crucigenia
  • Abaena
  • Scenedesmus Quadricauda
  • Tabellaria
  • Cryptomonas
  • Anabaena
  • Micractinium Spirogyra
  • Coelastrum
  • Ulothrix
  • Aphanochaete A Sp
  • Cyclotella
  • Staurastrum
  • Arcella
  • Dictyospharium
  • Tribonema
  • Staurastrum
  • Botrycoccus Brauni
  • Fragilaria
  • Navicula Minima
  • Oocystis Pusilla Sp
  • Lagerheima
  • Gloeocystis



